5th International Internet Fly Tying Competition
"Musicarenje.net 2015"
The competition is public and can be followed full-time (online) on www.musicarenje.net / forum.
It is voluntary, promotional and educational!
It involves all interested members of the Board Musicarenje.net, either as contestants by sending
certain flies, or to vote for the best creations.
Each registered user has the right to vote, through the 24 h (non stop) online Public voting
starting 20. of january until 25. of january . You should give ratings from 1 to 5.
- The equal right to vote have administration of this forum ~
Exceptions to this right:- Due to the regularity of the competition, all new forum members who are registered to the forum after
01. januar 2015. - can not participate in the voting!
- Members Administration (admins and moderators) will not take part in this competition in the form
of sending their creations!
The duration of the competition:The time interval for sending your creation is ...
5.january - 19. january 2015 (21 h)The time interval for your vote is...
january 20. - january 25. 2015 (21 h)Some of the most important criteria that we recommend during the fly tying, but also in the voting are:
- Proportions
- Strength and technical aspects
- The suitability of selected materials
- Innovation
- The similarity of the original insect (fish, shrimps or other fish bites)
- General impressionSending photos and upload:Upload your photos of the flies into the forum category
International Internet Fly Tying Competition "2015", using the NEW TOPIC!
Open a new thread (titled by your name and nickname)
with photos of the flies and the list of materials used for each competitive fly!
The photo is the only judging material available to the "jury" of this forum.
Therefore, it must meet some basic criteria:
- A contestant may submit up to three flies in various categories
(Example: one dry, one wet or nymph, and one strimer, or all three from one of the categories)
Because of judging the entire work from the maximum of three flies, there is a possibility for
competitors to decide whether the all flies come from one
categoriy or in all three categories with single fly... (if the competitor thinks that his work is
the best in a category of dry, he can upload all three dry flies - the same is for nymphs or streamers!
- Photos should be made with digital camera ...
- Size of the photo must be 800 x 600
- Photos can not have decorative frames or signatures on them, or
visible traces of some special effects from a program like Photoshop.
- The number of photos is at least 3-5 by one fly and by one post(one photo from the top,
one from under, and a pair of sides)!
- Tempo of sending photos can choose a competitor. He don't have to
put all photos for the contest at once, or in one day.
- It is recommended that photos of competitive flies are not previously
published on this site, or other sites, forums, magazines ...
- The organizer has the right (in case of various irregularities) to ask the author
for more proofs of authenticity of flies and photos!
- Copyright owners are autors of the flies and photos, and the organizer will use
them outside of this forum, site and pages on Facebook, without the permission of the autor.
So, once again .... All the work of the fly tyer will be judged. We want to avoid favoring one category (eg dry).
3 + 3 WINNERS will be awarded in this competition !!!
by the number of points scored!
Jury's decision is final!
admin team